MLB commissioner Rob Manfred on Monday's postponement

On a night when the Orioles and White Sox game has been postponed by the protests and rioting in Baltimore, the commissioner of Major League Baseball was in Baltimore.

Rob Manfred was here for a previously arranged visit and just happened to be here on a day when MLB officials were obviously involved with Orioles officials in monitoring the events.

A few minutes ago, Manfred spoke with reporters about the situation and even disclosed that it is possible that games could be played elsewhere this week, not at Camden Yards.

Rob Manfred OPACY.jpg"The decision was reached after consultation with local officials," Manfred said. "We feel like we made the decision that would provide us the greatest possible security in terms of protecting the fans, the players, the umpires, everybody involved in the game.

"All I want to say about that is we are looking at every possible alternative in terms of completing the schedule in a timely way and making sure the games are played in a security situation that is safe for the fans. We are going to look at every alternative at this point.

"I'm not going to get into characterizing who drove the decision. Always, always with regular season games decisions about whether to play or not - whether it's weather, security or whatever - are local decisions.

"(Orioles owner Peter) Angelos was talking to local officials. Mr. Angelos and I spoke, and there was not a lot of debate about what the best decision was to make for tonight."

Manfred was asked if it is possible the Orioles could use another stadium like Nationals Park to play this series.

"It's possible games could be played elsewhere. That's possible," he said.

Manfred said he has some additional topics to meet with O's owner Peter Angelos about, and he plans to do that later in the week.

Manfred was asked if it is possible this entire series could be postponed until later in the year.

"I'm not going to speculate beyond tonight," he said. "Honestly, our information with respect to tonight is not perfect, and to get into speculating about what is next I think is not safe for me. So I'm just going to leave it at that."

Getting back to a baseball topic while awaiting ne...
Orioles-White Sox game postponed

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