Oriole Bird meets his score-announcing cousin at Charlestown

Remember the cute little tale from a few weeks ago about the small plush Orioles mascot that alerts residents at the Charlestown retirement community in Catonsville about whether the O's win or lose? CharlestownBird.jpgWell, the Charlestown bird had a visit today from its larger feathered namesake who usually roosts at Camden Yards. The Oriole Bird visited Charlestown as part of the kickoff for the "Swim for Service" lap-a-thon fundrasiser today and made a point out of seeking out the small town crier who gleefully announces Orioles victories but is forced to stand in a corner when the O's don't come out in the win column. The little bird's owner, Charlestown resident Florence Wolfel, got up close and personal with the Oriole Bird, who gifted her an autograph reading, "To Little Bird from Oriole Bird."

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