Showalter on Adair

The Orioles have officially announced that Rick Adair will not return as pitching coach in 2014. They sent out a tweet a few minutes ago. Adair had one year left on his contract. The Orioles will begin interviewing candidates next week. They've scheduled a meeting on Tuesday with Phillies pitching coach Rich Dubee. Also, the Orioles are interested in Rangers bullpen coach Andy Hawkins, but they haven't set up an interview with him. They would need to receive permission from the Rangers. Adair, who took a personal leave of absence on Aug. 15, told me earlier today that he hasn't decided whether to pursue a job next season. Neither side is offering specifics on why Adair won't return, but manager Buck Showalter said it's an "amicable parting of ways." "Rick did a good job for us, obviously," Showalter said. "I thank him for his service and his contributions. He's a quality guy. "This is not a reflection of his ability as a pitching coach. He's solid, he's sharp, he's knowledgeable. It's an amicable parting of ways. "He's got some good things ahead of him. Whoever ends up with him will have a quality pitching coach." The Orioles hired Adair as bullpen coach in 2011, but he replaced pitching coach Mark Connor two months into the season. Connor left for health reasons and later took a job as a roving instructor with the Rangers that didn't require as much travel. The Orioles tried to make the transition "as seamless as possible," Showalter said, by having Adair replace Connor. And they used the same strategy by having bullpen coach Bill Castro replace Adair in August.

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