Adair talks about leaving the Orioles and his future (updated)

Rick Adair offered further confirmation today that the Orioles will change pitching coaches in 2014. The club apparently won't make an announcement until a replacement is hired, which may not occur until the end of the month or beyond. Adair took a personal leave of absence on Aug. 15, in part to be with his terminally ill father, who passed away in September near Birmingham, Ala. He met twice with manager Buck Showalter after the season. "I feel good about it," Adair said. "There was a lot of discussion and Buck and I had two really long and great discussions. When all is said and done, it's just the right thing to do. I feel good about it. "I don't know if it's mutual or not, but at the same time, there were things I've been going through and things that have happened the last six weeks. Plus, some other things happened on my wife's side of the family. It was just a good time to take the leave, and I don't know what I'm going to do next." Adair is prepared to skip the 2014 season. "I'm not sure what I want to do," he said. "I've got a business that we started about two years ago, a property business with my partner, and I've got a couple other things I'm working on as far as projects. I've got a lot of interest in that. I even told Dan (Duquette) last night that I've got 15 hours left for my degree. I might even go back to school. I don't know." It's not easy for Adair to say goodbye. "I'm going to miss being around those guys, but this is the best thing," he said. "I feel like I'm getting back to normal after two months now and it feels good." On another topic, the Orioles haven't announced a date for their annual Fanfest at the Baltimore Convention Center, but I'm hearing that it will take place on Feb. 1. Plan accordingly. Update: The Orioles still haven't contacted Triple-A Norfolk pitching coach Mike Griffin about their vacancies at pitching and bullpen coach. According to's TR Sullivan, the Orioles are planning to interview Rangers bullpen coach Andy Hawkins for their pitching coach opening.

Showalter on Adair
Purke dominant, Skole homers in Mesa's 6-1 defeat ...

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