SARASOTA, Fla. – Enrique Bradfield Jr. joined in the raucous celebration last night after Leandro Arias’ walk-off single in the Spring Breakout game. He embraced teammates as the crowd erupted in a way normally sparked by major league comebacks, and he was one of the last Orioles prospects to leave the field.
He was euphoric and destroyed. Overcome with joy and overwhelmed by sadness. Somehow, the young man held it together as these emotions collided.
Bradfield opened up to the media afterward about his childhood friend, 25-year-old Isaiah Hood, who died last week in a motorcycle accident. They grew up together, played travel ball, became more like brothers.
Asked to imagine how Isaiah would have reacted to last night’s dramatic win, Bradfield said, “I hope he’s happy. I hope he’s happy.”
“You know,” Bradfield continued, “I tried to be focused out there and my energy in that moment sliding across home plate specifically, it’s just, maybe some emotion comes out of me and that’s normal, you know? That’s life. Bad things happen. You have to pick yourself up and keep moving forward.