Mike Rizzo: "Papelbon is our ninth-inning pitcher"

MIAMI - Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo formally announced the acquisition of veteran closer Jonathan Papelbon during tonight's game with the Marlins. The Nationals sent right-handed prospect Nick Pivetta to the Phillies in exchange for Papelbon and cash considerations.

Rizzo spoke to the media at Marlins Park during the game:

What do you like about Papelbon?

"Well, he's a proven elite closer in the game of baseball. A guy that comes with a track record, and he's done it in some of the most stressful situations you can. He's a guy that I thought fit well with his intensity and his competiveness in the clubhouse and with the ballclub."

Did you talk with Drew Storen before the game?

"I talked to Drew before the game. I talked to Drew before the trade was made. We were in contact before the deal was made to give him the professional courtesy that we were bringing in an elite bullpen guy like himself. We had a good conversation before we even came to the park and before the deal was even consummated."

Is Papelbon the Nationals closer?

Mike Rizzo with reporters.jpg"Papelbon is our ninth-inning pitcher. Drew will pitch the ninth inning at times when Papelbon's not available and be our set-up guy in the eighth inning as we constructed today. Pap hasn't pitched too many three days in a row stints, so we're going to be careful with him. And we've got two terrific, elite ninth-inning guys that can close out games in pressure situations. We feel that we really intensified our efforts in the bullpen, and we think we got ourselves a bullpen that can really shut down the opposing teams."

How did Storen take the news?

"He was a professional. He's a competitor, he's a professional. And he's a guy that we've had frank discussions throughout his whole career in my tenure here. I've known him since he was a kid in high school. We've got a good rapport, but that news is difficult to take. He took it like a pro, and he's gonna be professional in the clubhouse and on the mound."

Did you consider trading for a setup man and leaving Storen as closer?

"We felt that this was the best deal that we could've made for the opportunity to get ourselves a backend of a bullpen type of guy. We had a lot of discussions with a lot of teams about a lot of relief pitchers. Either the outlay of minor league talent was too much for us to pay or it just didn't work out with certain players. We think that we've got one of the elite closers in the game of baseball, and we're happy to have him."

Did you have any concerns about Papelbon's attitude?

"As we usually do, we do a lot of checking and a lot of due diligence on guys. This guy wants to win. First and foremost, he wants to win. He's a winner. He's won his whole career. He excels in pressure situations and that's his personality. Does it grate on the opposition at times? Yes, it does. But he comes with high credentials, high praise from his teammates and guys who've been around him.

"We've got ourselves a clubhouse that takes in other personalities and really becomes one. The same things were said about Escobar when he came here. He's been a model citizen and one of the best teammates you could ever ask for. We expect the same from Pap, and I'm looking forward to getting him here."

Will Papelbon be in Miami on Wednesday?

"I don't know about the travel situations, but we're planning on having him here tomorrow for the game."

Have you talked to Papelbon?

"Yes I did. I talked to him before the trade was consummated, before he waived his no-trade clause. We had a long conversation. I know he's fired up and excited to join the club. He knows us intimately because he's in our division and has seen us play for a long time. He's really excited to get here."

Are you done before the non-waiver trade deadline?

"You know, you're never done. We're never done. (July) 31st is one deadline. There will be the next deadline after that. We've done deals before the 31st, after the 31st, but we're never finished, we're never satisfied. If we can upgrade the club for '15 and beyond, we'll certainly look at any way, shape or form to do so."

What about Papelbon's contract next year?

"He had a vesting option that we felt he would've reached here if he continued to be the closer. So we negotiated with him a deal that we felt more comfortable with. It's a deal for 2016. It's a guaranteed deal. We've got some deferred money in there that helps us out payroll-wise. He's happy and excited to join us to the point where he waived his no-trade clause and signed a deal that was less money than he would've made in Philly."

Drew Storen reacts after losing closer role to Jon...
Nationals acquire Jonathan Papelbon from Phillies

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