Mike Rizzo supports Jonathan Papelbon: "He brings a swagger to the bullpen"

On Thursday, Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo was asked about the latest on right-handers Drew Storen and Jonathan Papelbon, two back end relievers with volatile endings to their seasons. Both reportedly had been shopped since October with no movement.

"I think we're in the same place that we've always been," Rizzo said following Daniel Murphy's introductory press conference. "If there's a baseball trade that makes sense, we would make it. We're not gonna trade anybody to move a player because we like both of them. We think they're both talented relievers. Both of them on our team makes our bullpen better."

On Friday, Rizzo found one of those attractive baseball trade partners, shipping Storen to the Blue Jays for speedy outfielder Ben Revere.

So where does that leave Papelbon?

Jonathan Papelbon throwing blue.jpgIt seemed certain the Nationals would part ways with Papelbon this winter in hopes of erasing the memory of his September dugout brawl with National League MVP Bryce Harper. But with many of the game's top closers already on the move this offseason, it appears Papelbon may find his way back into the Nationals bullpen in 2016.

"We see Papelbon as being one of our late-inning relievers," Rizzo said Saturday morning. "He's been very effective at it his entire career, including last year, except for the last portion of the season. This guy is a quality reliever, quality closer. He's been in the biggest stage that you can be in. He pitched the last out of a World Series game and has a World Series ring. He knows how to win. He brings a swagger to the bullpen and he's a guy that we're going to rely on to pitch late and leverage innings."

Is that more lip service from Rizzo in hopes of setting up a trade? Or is a bullpen now bolstered with veteran relievers ready for Papelbon's return as its closer?

Surely, the Nationals realize the barrage of boos Papelbon would receive at the home opener. But the fiery reliever feeds off moments like that, even if the jeers are coming from the home crowd. If Papelbon can return to form, maybe the Nationals feel like hard results can overcome the anger from fans and release the stranglehold of embarrassment left by last year's fight.

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