More gift-giving during this holiday season

Here's wishing a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all the Nationals fans out there. Hope you all get to spend the day with family and friends, and enjoy the company of those close to you. Regardless of what religion you may practice, that's what's truly important this time of year. That, and some sweet gifts. If past years are any indication, today will be a very quiet day in the baseball world. The trade talks will likely come to a halt for the day. The calls to agents will be far less prevalent. The guys at the league office can rest easy, knowing there are unlikely to be any transactions to process. In other words, we can put the Adam LaRoche Watch on hold until tomorrow morning. I'll keep this entry brief, because I don't want to spend much time writing today, and you don't want to spend much time on your computer reading. That is, unless you're already trying to figure out what you should exchange an unwanted gift for. I'll continue an annual tradition that I started a few years ago when I was covering the Ravens, and pose this question to all of you out there (although the question has obviously been altered a bit now that I'm on the Nats beat): If you were Nats GM Mike Rizzo, what would be the one gift you would most like to receive today or in the days to come? Would you want word from Adam LaRoche that he is re-signing? Would you want LaRoche to ink a deal elsewhere, giving the Nats a compensatory draft pick and allowing Michael Morse to remain on the roster? How about an indication from Jordan Zimmermann that he's open to signing a long-term extension? Or a promise from Danny Espinosa that he'll raise his on-base percentage by 20 points? Or word from Bryce Harper that he'll make an effort to hit the cutoff man more in 2013? If you were the man or woman in charge of the Nats, what's the one present you'd like to receive today?

The forgotten man in the bullpen
Targets on their backs

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