Nationals select Neary as Honorary Bat Girl

How's this for a Mother's Day present? The Nationals and Major League Baseball have announced that Laurie Jo Neary, a mother of three who was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in 2008, is the winner of the team's Honorary Bat Girl program. The program recognizes baseball fans who have been affected by breast cancer and have demonstrated a commitment to "Going to Bat" in the fight against the deadly disease. Neary was diagnosed with the breast cancer four years ago and has since undergone several surgeries, as well as chemotherapy and radiation. Happily, Neary is today a breast cancer survivor and had since participated and organized a number of 5Ks in order to raise funds for cancer research. In addition to her fundraising efforts, Neary blogged all about her journey as a breast cancer patient on the road to survival. "We are so proud to have Laurie Jo as the Nationals' Honorary Bat Girl," said Israel Negron, senior director of community relations for the Nationals. "As a cancer survivor, she has found creative channels to raise awareness and help other who are fighting the disease. Her journey is inspiring and we look forward to honoring her." Because the Nationals will be on the road this Sunday, May 13, the team will honor Neary the following Sunday, May 20, prior to the team's game against the Orioles. Neary will receive a personalized Nationals bat girl jersey featuring a pink ribbon and tickets to the game. Sure beats a card and some flowers, eh?

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