Ryan Zimmerman's fifth annual A Night at the Park to take place June 16

On Monday, June 16, Nationals third baseman Ryan Zimmerman will host his fifth annual A Night at the Park, presented by MASN. ANATP2014CreativeBaseWithLink.jpgIn addition to silent and live auctions, country singers Billy Currington and Jerrod Niemann will perform at the fundraiser. The event will raise money for Zimmerman's charity, the ziMS Foundation, which is dedicated to the treatment and the ultimate cure of Multiple Sclerosis. MS is a disease that affects the central nervous system. Zimmerman's mother Cheryl was diagnosed with MS in 1995. In 2013, the ziMS Foundation reached $1 million in its efforts to support MS programs and research. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased here. Update: MASN is hooking you up with opportunities to win your way into the event. Visit our Twitter page every day to enter our retweet contest. Also, check out our Facebook for more chances to win!

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