A look back: The quotable from the trip to San Diego

Looking back at the last few days, there were 19 blogs written in this space, covering the Orioles at the Winter Meetings from Monday to Thursday before we headed back to the East Coast. Here is another look at some of the quotes from those we interviewed and what they had to say. MLB Network's Harold Reynolds on what O's should do: "If (the Orioles) make a trade, of all the names that have been mentioned, I think Justin Upton is the best move for them. He's 26, 27. If you can lock him up and keep him long-term, you are looking at a player you can have another eight or nine years. He's going to hit 30 home runs in that ballpark each year. He'd be the best fit for me." ESPN's Keith Law on whether O's need to match moves made by other American League East teams: "I think there is real pressure in terms of the standings. If you just are looking at the teams on paper - and I recognize Baltimore has outperformed what they've been on paper for several years in a row now, but still - they are going to need to do something to replace the offense they lost. "I think they have to be able to stay somewhat on par with the other teams in the division, which probably means adding a bat, maybe two by the end of the offseason." ESPN's Aaron Boone on clubhouse chemistry: "I think it's a big part of the pie frankly. You have 162 games in 180 days; you know, with spring training, 200 games together. I think it's important that there is harmony in there. It doesn't always have to be friendly, it doesn't always have to be 'Kumbaya,' we all get along, we're all buddies. "But I think, there has to be something in that room that creates an asset for the team. The Orioles, most teams that win and go to the playoffs, the clubhouse is usually an asset. I think it is an important part of the equation and the evaluation process." bundy throwing spring sidebar.jpgOrioles director of player development Brian Graham on Dylan Bundy: "Dylan is in perfect health and is having what we call a normal offseason. He'll begin his throwing program soon and come into spring training on the exact same program as everyone else - healthy and ready to go. "I was very pleased with his season. Probably the most promising thing about his whole rehab is he had no setbacks. Everyone wants to gauge velocity and certainly that is important, but the fact he had no setbacks is the most important thing." O's scouting director Gary Rajsich on O's top 2014 pick, pitcher Brian Gonzalez: "Brian is a very mature and articulate young man, probably advanced beyond his years. He has good command and poise for a young man. Particularly proud of him the way he approached his season this year, not giving up a run in the Gulf Coast League." O's manager Buck Showalter on spending by other AL East teams: "They run out of money yet? God bless them, that's the system. If we were in their shoes, we'd do the same thing. What are you going to do, throw your hands up the in the air? That's all right. It can be done. We just have to be good at some things that allow us to compete with them."

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