As the O's news continues to heat up as we get closer and closer to Opening Day, here's a collection of unrelated O's items you might be interested in.
Also, if reading this makes you think of something else you want to know about the O's, as always, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to find out for you, maybe in another Around the O's here in the Orioles Buzz.
2110 Eutaw Street will return in 2010
The popular promo, which honors the jersey numbers of talented young O's Nick Markakis and Adam Jones, will return for another season in 2010.
The same area of the Eutaw Street Bleachers will be dubbed 2110 Eutaw Street again this season on the following dates throughout the upcoming season:
-Sunday, May 16
-Sunday, June 27
-Saturday, July 24
-Sunday, August 8
-Saturday, September 4
On those dates, Eutaw Street Bleacher seats are just $21 and include a limited edition 2110 Eutaw Street T-Shirt.
Also this season, the O's will reveal a new T-shirt design for each of the five dates during the promotion.
Like last year, fans will still enjoy baseballs tossed into the stands by Markakis and Jones, autographed T-shirts launched into the seats during an inning break, and one lucky fan in the section will receive a Markakis or Jones autographed bat if either Oriole hits a home run during that day's game.
Did you know?
In browsing TweetDeck one day this week, I came across the Pathfinders for Autism website - which, you're thinking, has nothing to do with the Orioles. But did you know that former Oriole B.J. Surhoff and his wife Polly Winde Surhoff were cofounders of the organization, and B.J Surhoff now serves as the President of the board? Their son, Mason, is autistic.
The Orioles Wives also used to co-sponsor a fundraising event that generated money to support research on the early detection of autism.
You Can't Steal Second Base...
And Keep your Foot on First! Last summer a handful of fans asked Brian Roberts about the book he and his dad, Mike Roberts, wrote together about basestealing.
Have you bought or read it yet? If not, B-Rob has a link to his dad's website from his own, where you can read a little more about the book and even order a copy from
Questions for you, O's fans...
I haven't heard much about the Brooks Robinson figurine that went out to season plan holders this year - those of you who got one, do you like it? Twitpic a photo of yours to me on Twitter (@Kate_Wheeler) if you think of it.
Who has a good story from spring training? Share 'em, and I might feature yours in a post here in the Orioles Buzz.
And last one, have you realized there's now less than two weeks until Opening Day?

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