Baker updates on Zimmerman and Ross

Manager Dusty Baker was asked about the status of right-hander Joe Ross (right shoulder inflammation) and first baseman Ryan Zimmerman (left ribcage strain) during pregame of the first game of the Pirates series. It was the first opportunity to get an update on the progress of the two players since the Mets game on July 10.

"Zim's been taking treatment around the clock," Baker said. "Ross has been doing the same. Ross is going to toss tomorrow. He tossed some yesterday. He's getting better. He said he threw about 80 percent velocity. Just got a few changes to make and a few more things to do."

Ross has been on the disabled list since July 3. Zimmerman has been on the DL retroactive to July 7.

Joe Ross throwing white.jpgThe way the schedule plays out, the Nationals have an off-day upcoming July 18, so they will not need a fifth starter in their rotation until July 23 against the Padres.

Is that what Baker believes as well?

"We'll see," he said. "We got to make a couple of decisions here because we got a guy in, might have to make a roster move, and then who do take off the roster? Right now with the convenience of the off-days, we'll just kind of wait."

Baker also is cautious about Zimmerman being ready to return instantly on July 22.

"I'm confident, but I'm not convinced because you don't know," Baker said. "You don't know if we caught it in time. You don't know exactly when to put him back in because you don't know if it's too soon or if he's chomping at the bit. There's certain injuries that you just don't know until you actually get out there."

Baker said the player always must be careful because it is difficult to simulate game situations during rehab.

"You can take dry swings like he's been doing," Baker said. "You can take batting practice, but it's hard to simulate body rotation on a 95 mph because you just don't see 95 mph in practice. That's not the objective of practice. So we're doing all we can do. He told me he's taking three sessions a day trying to get right. I trust him. He's big-time honest. I'm hoping that he can get back soon."

This would make sense for Zimmerman to have a few rehab assignments at the minor league level before rejoining the big league club.

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