Because You Asked - Havana Nights

The Orioles are off today, which opens the door for plenty of quips. Go ahead and get them out of your system.

This seems like a good time to dig through my mailbag and address the questions that have been presented to me on multiple occasions. The questions I've answered on multiple occasions. The questions that won't go away, which is why this sequel exists.

It's a fun exercise. And if it makes you sweat, you need to visit your cardiologist.

Could the Orioles play in Cuba this year?

There are people in the organization who want it to happen. High up the ol' food chain. But it would be a real challenge in the middle of a season. The chances are much better next spring, and I've already made plans to renew my passport and clear space in my humidor. I'm also working on acquiring a taste for fried plantains. I must be the last person alive who's not a big fan.

What are the Orioles going to do with Wesley Wright?

Try to trade him?

Who's asking the questions here?

Sorry. As I wrote early yesterday morning, my sleeping issues again working to my readers' advantage, Wright's injury rehab assignment ends at the All-Star break. He agreed to extend it beyond 15 days, but not the full 30, since his left shoulder no longer is hurting. The Orioles don't have an obvious spot for him in the bullpen, especially with Bud Norris working in relief and Wright's numbers being less than tantalizing. Maybe the Orioles could stall and move Norris into the rotation while Kevin Gausman makes a second start for Triple-A Norfolk, but they'd also need to create room for the lefty on their 25- and 40-man rosters. They gauged trade interest in Wright at spring training and most likely are doing it again.

Matt Wieters gray day high five.pngWhat are the chances that Matt Weiters stays with the Orioles?

It's spelled Wieters. If I had to guess, I'd say his spring training locker next year is going to be real close to a store selling Mickey Mouse ears.

Any chance you insert a Manny Machado joke here?


So you think Weiters will sign with the Braves?

It's spelled Wieters. I'd say they're the early favorites, given his ties to the area. He also has a home there. And the Braves really need a catcher. And Scott Boras really is Wieters' agent.

Why don't the Orioles trade Chris Davis right now, since he's going to be gone anyway next year?

Because they're trying to win the World Series this year and they may feel as though a guy who leads the team in RBIs and is tied for the lead in home runs gives them a better chance at it.

Why don't the Orioles trade Weiters right now, since he's going to be gone anyway next year?

See above. And it's spelled Wieters.

Why don't the Orioles trade Wei-Yin Chen right now, since he's going to be gone anyway next year?

See above. And it's spelled...oh, never mind.

When are the Orioles going to give Dariel Alvarez a shot?

I'd expect to see him later this summer. He got off to a slow start and he needs to work on his defense. The arm is plus-plus, but there are other facets of his game that must improve. The Orioles were disappointed that his patient approach at the plate in spring training didn't transfer to Norfolk. He'll get a shot at some point. A corner outfielder with some pop brings a certain appeal.

What are the Orioles going to do at the trade deadline?

It's actually a non-waiver trade deadline, and executive vice president Dan Duquette told me a few days ago that pitching is a priority. Rotation and bullpen. He's always searching for more arms. A bat could be added, as well, but he believes pitching wins championships.

Who are the Orioles looking at?

Duquette isn't going to share that information. I haven't heard them attached to anyone at this point. I know certain people in the organization have long coveted Ben Zobrist. He's not a pitcher - breaking news here - but I'd never dismiss his chances of being an Oriole.

Give the Phillies Bud Norris and Dylan Bundy for Cole Hamels.

That's not a question.

Why don't the Orioles give the Phillies Bud Norris and Dylan Bundy for Cole Hamels?

First of all, the Phillies also have a say in it. Second, Bundy isn't expected to pitch again this season due to a shoulder ailment and Norris is a pending free agent. Norris doesn't figure to bring special appeal to a rebuilding team like the Phillies. They don't need an expensive rental. I'd assume that they're looking for prospects. Healthy ones who aren't out of minor league options next season.

In your opinion, what's the bigger need - a bat or a pitcher?


Will they get the game in tonight?

There's no game.

Any chance the Orioles postpone it early so fans don't have to drive there?

There's no game.

What's the latest on Delmon Young?

The Orioles are trying to trade him, but they're running out of time. They designated him for assignment on July 1 and the 10 days are almost up. Duquette said he's still talking to a few teams. He's had conversations with executives in both leagues. You have to wonder if teams are just waiting for him to be released and become a free agent. I know the Orioles would like to get him back later this season as they make a push toward another playoff berth.

What happened to Everth Cabrera?

He's still a free agent after the Orioles released him. He's collecting his money and waiting for another team to sign him. I'd say he took the money and ran, but he probably would have been caught stealing. (See what I did there?)

What's your favorite sequel?

Any second date, just because the first one must not have been a total disaster. It's a rare occurrence. Me dating, I mean.

Favorite movie sequel?

Unfortunately, I don't get to many movies. The last one I saw probably had a talking crab in it, and my daughter is now 22. But I was a big fan of the "Austin Powers" series, and "Rocky II" has to be included on any list. "Desperado" has Salma Hayek in it. 'Nuff said. Just don't judge me too harshly when I also include "Toy Story 2." Now, if we're talking actual best sequels ever, not just my preferences, the list begins with "The Godfather Part II" and "Aliens."

Why do the Orioles keep using Tommy Hunter when he gives up home runs every time he comes into a game?

He's allowed three this season in 33 appearances.

Why didn't the Orioles get rid of Tommy Hunter after he was so bad last season?

He posted a 1.77 ERA in his final 43 appearances beginning May 17.

Any other pitchers in the minors worth keeping an eye on besides Zach Davies and the guys who already have been called up?

Michael Bowden has registered a 1.96 ERA at Norfolk. He's been outstanding. But he also has a July 15 opt-out clause and it sounds like he intends to exercise it. I'm not sure that the Orioles can find a spot for him. Too bad.

Does September count toward the days Jason Garcia must stay in the majors this season to lose his Rule 5 status in 2016?

Yes. He can more easily be stashed in an expanded bullpen in September, but the challenge is getting him through the active days that remain before the final month so he reaches 90 for the season. The Orioles aren't in a big hurry to restart the process.

What does Buck see in T.J. McFarland?

Showalter sees a reliever who can eat up innings, save his bullpen and come back after a minimal amount of rest. If there's an last-minute emergency and the starter can't answer the bell, Showalter can go to McFarland's locker, say, 'We need you to start today,' and McFarland will grab his glove and say, 'No problem.' The Orioles thought McFarland could be a future rotation candidate, but I get the sense now that they'd be fine with him staying in the bullpen and doing a better job when called upon in the middle of an inning.

Who's your first-half Most Valuable Oriole?

You mean my runner-up behind Manny Machado?

Again, who's asking the questions here?

Again, sorry. Machado for a variety of reasons, including how he's taken to the leadoff spot like a duck to water. Or Sidney Ponson to a chocolate fountain. I just wonder if Showalter still wishes he could move down Machado in the order. if it ain't broke...

OK, who's your runner-up for MVO?

Tough call. Zach Britton, Darren O'Day, Wei-Yin Chen, Ubaldo Jimenez, Jimmy Paredes ... I need the rest of the season to play out.

Will you watch the Home Run Derby?

Only because Machado is in it and I have to write about it. Otherwise, I'd rather watch Ghostbusters II. While covered in honey and red ants.

What should the Orioles do with Bud Norris?

A move to the bullpen was the logical step given his struggles and the need to get Kevin Gausman into the rotation. I'm currently out of ideas. Let's hope the Orioles can figure it out.

Is the Chris Parmelee experiment almost over?

The Orioles like his defense at first base and right field, but he's 3-for-31 in his last 10 games with an at-bat. He's played in 22 games. I don't know how long the leash is, but he's obviously got to heat up because the Orioles will have to create more roster space. He doesn't have the luxury of a prolonged audition.

Of all the pending free agents, who's most likely to re-sign with the Orioles?

I need the rest of the season to play out. Until then, I'll say Darren O'Day, but it also depends on the market. Set-up men are starting to get paid and if the Orioles weren't going to outbid teams for Andrew Miller, they're probably not going to be overly aggressive in their attempts to keep O'Day.

Who's your most pleasant surprise on the team so far?

Jimmy Paredes. I had serious doubts that his hot bat in spring training would maintain the same temperature outside of Sarasota, but he's hitting .299 with 12 doubles, two triples and 10 home runs. Chaz Roe has hit a rough patch, allowing two runs in three of his last four appearances, but he's on the team and has gotten some big outs. I didn't see that coming in spring training as I failed to introduce myself each morning that he sat alone as his locker.

Who's pitching in the Nats series this weekend?

Neither manager has revealed his starters. The off-day allows for some tweaking of the rotation.

When is Weiters going to catch back-to-back days again?

Probably Friday and Saturday, giving him plenty of rest through the break. And it's spelled Wieters.

Zach Wilt: Manny Machado and the Home Run Derby
Manny Machado to participate in Home Run Derby

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