Breakfast is on Gausman

SARASOTA, Fla. - It's been a quiet morning here at the Ed Smith Stadium complex. A few players competed in bumper billiards and cornhole. Others talked, listened to music and munched on breakfast, courtesy of Kevin Gausman. Well, courtesy of his locker. Gausman arrived at 8 a.m. and found 35 packets of mini-powdered donuts taped around the edges of his locker. Bags were stuffed inside of it - enough that every player was given one later. A "Hostess" sign hung above his nameplate. Pitching coach Rick Adair texted Gausman last night, telling him not to report to camp until 8 a.m. because the Orioles were holding a veterans-only meeting. Gausman was confused, but he never suspected what would greet him upon his arrival. The Orioles sent out a photo on Twitter. My first reaction was, "They re-signed Sidney Ponson?" Gausman used to munch on three mini-powdered donuts between innings in games that he pitched at LSU, a habit/superstition that likely won't continue in his professional career. His reputation, however, has obviously followed him here. Clubhouse attendants raided five local grocery stores while searching for enough donuts - or "powdered gold," as Gausman describes them - to complete the job. Adam Jones was the ringleader. A sign was placed inside Gausman's locker that read, "Eat up! Jonesy" Gausman, given the nickname "Dunkin" by reliever Darren O'Day, later found two packets of donuts stuffed in his shoes as he dressed for today's workout. He clearly was amused by the prank. Now, who's supplying the milk?

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