Bryan Harvey hopes son Hunter can sign with O's this week

Bryan Harvey, the former big league pitcher and father of the O's top draft pick, said he expects negotiations with the Orioles to sign Hunter Harvey to heat up and maybe even conclude this week. "Hopefully, they start talking today," Bryan Harvey said. "They called last week and said be patient. They had a couple things they wanted to get done, so hopefully we get everything going and it gets done this week. "I don't think there should be that big of a holdup. It's not like we're asking for the moon. I'll just leave it at that. It's not going to be a tough negotiation. Just hope that we get it started." In an interview with the Hickory (N.C.) Record, Harvey suggested that his son would sign for the slot amount of $1,947,600 for the 22nd pick in the draft. Is that the number that will get the deal done for Hunter, I asked Bryan Harvey? "I am not going to answer anything until we get it done," he said. "I've told them everything they need to know. We've been up-front with them from the get go. I probably said too much the last time in the paper. I'm not going to do that again. We're not holding anybody hostage here. "I would think that's why we (Major League Baseball) went to slot money, so things would get done a little bit quicker." All along, the Harveys have indicated a willingness to sign quickly. Bryan Harvey said his son hopes to sign soon and is ready to get pitching for the Orioles as soon as possible. "We got him throwing, we've got him doing everything he needs to be doing," he said. "Hopefully, this gets worked out pretty quick and he can take off. Whenever he gets his physical done, he's ready to go. He has stayed on his throwing program. He's not pitching in a game and hasn't faced any hitters, but he's throwing, running, doing the weights and everything he should be doing."

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