Oh good, I found you.
I got lost navigating through the new site.
I really do need to take my GPS out of the box.
I'll get the hang of it eventually, but I don't accept change very well. It's one of my many flaws. I'll be fine by tomorrow, but please be patient as I learn my way around my new digs and eventually discover that it's easier to maneuver. I'm just a little flustered at the moment.
I appreciated how Mike Gonzalez kept his cool after last night's game. I know most fans aren't interested in whether a pitcher meets with reporters, as long as he gets three outs and preserves a lead, but we learned a little something about the new closer beyond how he needs to get that fastball down in the zone.
Gonzalez was waiting for us at his locker, knowing that the topic wouldn't be pleasant. It comes with the job, but not everyone gets it. Guys will entertain you for hours after a game-winning hit or clutch relief effort. It's more challenging to face the music after you've blown a game and let down 24 teammates and an entire fan base.
Mike Timlin was a stand-up guy. He'd be waiting at his locker after another botched save opportunity, making sure we knew that he wasn't the type to run and hide. For that, he could be proud.
Too bad he was miscast as a closer.
Gonzalez showed great character last night. Now he needs to show that the Orioles were right to give him the ball in the ninth inning.
Not that it matters in the grand scheme, but I'm still wondering how the Rays could award Carl Crawford a double on his game-winning hit. He was halfway to second as the decisive run scored, clearly advancing on the throw. It was a straight single.
But whatever.
Miguel Tejada looked comfortable at third base. Garrett Atkins looked uncomfortable tracking a popup near the stands. Felix Pie looked shaky on a few fly balls to left, as if the lights and ceiling were distracting him.
The bullpen was outstanding - well, until the ninth. Interesting that Gonzalez's velocity made such a pronounced jump from the mid-80s stuff in Sarasota.
Since Sept. 5, 2007, the Rays are 16-4 against the Orioles at Tropicana Field. They're 31-12 overall vs. the Orioles since Aug. 28, 2007.
Evan Longoria's 473-foot home run last night was the third-longest at The Trop. Vinny Castilla jacked one 478 feet against the Red Sox. Jonny Gomes' blast against the Tigers measured 474 feet.
So in retrospect, Longoria's was a cheapie.

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