Griffin waiting for chance to interview with Orioles

Mike Griffin didn't know that Rick Adair wasn't returning as Orioles pitching coach until early Thursday morning. Now, he's waiting for a call that will enable him to interview for the vacant job. The Orioles will consider their in-house candidates, though they're expected to make a hire from outside the organization. "We have under consideration some internal candidates who we know," said executive vice president Dan Duquette. That list includes Griffin, Bill Castro, Scott McGregor and Rick Peterson. Griffin and McGregor don't have prior experience as major league pitching coaches, which works against them. "I think that would be helpful," Duquette said. "Having done the job is a helpful trait." Griffin has build a solid reputation in the minors, and his work as Triple-A Norfolk's pitching coach is highly valued. Maybe too much, since the Orioles seem reluctant to promote him. As of yesterday, Griffin hadn't heard from the Orioles. Of course, he'd be interested. "Sure. Absolutely," he said. "I would love to interview." Griffin could emerge as a candidate for the job as bullpen coach, though the new pitching coach will have major input in that hire. "Absolutely. No question," Griffin said. "It's everybody's goal to get to the major leagues if you can. If that were to happen, that would be outstanding. I'd embrace it wholeheartedly." One factor working in Griffin's favor is his obvious familiarity with the pitchers at the major and minor league levels. "I would think so," he said. "I know everybody up there. I've been to spring training seven years since I've been here, and especially this past year and the year before with Buck (Showalter). And being up in Baltimore at the end of the season the last two years, it's been great. I've loved coming up at the end of the season. It's been fantastic. It gets me to see all these guys in spring training getting ready and coming up at the end of the year. And seeing these guys actually pitch in some very, very meaningful games in September the last two years has just been great for me." The Orioles will begin the interview process next week, with former Phillies pitching coach Rich Dubee scheduled to meet on Tuesday. Rangers bullpen coach Andy Hawkins is expected to be interviewed, though nothing had been set up as of yesterday. Mariners pitching coach Carl Willis also is on the Orioles' list, as I mentioned a few days ago. I heard last night that the Orioles want to interview Braves minor league pitching coordinator Dave Wallace, as The Sun reported yesterday. They would have to receive permission, which is expected to happen. Wallace has previously served as pitching coach for the Astros, Dodgers, Mets and Red Sox. "We're going to start the interview process next week to find a pitching coach," Duquette said. "It's going to take a little time. It looks like we have some good candidates to help the ballclub. "It would be a goal if we could resolve this by the end of the month."

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