Whether you're frantic for a last minute gift or looking for the best thing to spend your new Christmas cash on, there really is no end to the Orioles paraphernalia you can buy.
You've likely been to the Orioles MLB Shop.
One of my favorite "new arrivals" in the online shop is the iPhone/iPod touch case. If I had an iPhone, I'd be all over that one.
You can also visit the Official Team Store in York, Pa. if waiting for shipping isn't an option.
Or you might consider the array of Orioles mobile alert options.
Look into text and video alerts sent straight to your cell phone or MLB.com Apps for your iPhone or iPod touch.
Keep kids (or yourself!) occupied with the MLB 2009 mobile 3-D cell phone game.
Then of course there are tickets to everything Orioles under the sun (Just not IN The Sun - Anyone?)
-Opening Day 4-Packs
-Season plans
-Spring Training Trips
If you're really thinking ahead to baseball season, what about gift cards to Pickles or Sliders?
Or, since I managed to get this song stuck in my head anyway...how about an Orioles Magic ringtone?
The one line that sticks with me from that song is "Something magic happens every time you go..." I'm sure many, if not all, of you have a great story from attending at O's game. For me, it was simply this...
We didn't have a ton of money when I was a kid, but when we went to see the Orioles play, it was always a special occasion. We'd park in the same place, take the same route to the stadium, buy peanuts from the same roadside stand, and eat ballpark food until we could barely move. Then we'd take a lap around the stadium and pause to watch the game from a new place we'd never seen the Birds play from before. "Do you know who's playing center field?" my dad would ask, until one day I could name the whole roster own my own--what a small thing to be so proud of. And when we left, my dad would save our tickets, and he'd write about that game - who he went with and what we did - on the back. His stack of tickets is thick now, and I bet if we read back through them together, we'd relive some priceless memories.
So as you celebrate the holidays, remember the "magic" moments, and one or a few might even involve Orioles baseball. Either way, Happy Holidays everyone.

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