Jim Johnson on the ninth inning, Chris Davis and Brian Roberts on the loss

In the quiet of the Orioles clubhouse, Jim Johnson was asked what went wrong in the ninth inning tonight. "PFPs (pitcher's fielding practice). The bunt play back to me," Johnson said. "Being aggressive trying to get the lead out. The ball slips and it kind of started the whole inning." After Brendan Ryan singled leading off the ninth of the 5-5 tie, Johnson threw wildly to second on a bunt play to put two men on. Later, his wild pitch scored the go-ahead run in the 6-5 Yankees win. "I feel like I've made a lot of those plays, I get bunted on quite a bit, pitching later in the game, and that is something I'm usually pretty good at," Johnson said. "We work on that hard in spring training. I'll do it again 100 times out of 100. "Every loss is frustrating. We've been in them but, haven't gotten the big pitch or the big hit or whatever it needs to be. We are running out of time and have to start putting a couple of key pieces together. Have to focus on our next series now." Chris Davis talked about a tough ninth inning for his teammate. "Yeah it was," Davis said. "He's had not an ideal year for him and he's got 40-something saves. I mean, there were plenty of chances to win that ballgame. It just happens to come down to the last inning and that is what a lot of people remember. We have confidence in him, (but) sometimes you have to take it on the chin." How tough will it be to come back from this loss? "We knew we had our work cut out for us going into it. We were in the thick of things, still are. Just have to start rattling off some wins. This is a big road trip," Davis said. Nate McLouth talked about the tough spot the Orioles now find themselves in. "We still have the full schedule to play out and a lot can change in two or three days," McLouth said. "You could be looking at a totally different picture. Yeah, it's tough, but what are you going to do? Get over it as quick as you can and be ready to roll tomorrow. We have to get past this one quick." Danny Valencia's three-run homer tied the game in the eighth before New York went ahead in the ninth. "Very tough," Valencia said. "All these losses at this point are tough. We are a resilient group and this is a big road trip for us. Wei-Yin Chen talked about his early struggles and putting the Orioles in a 4-0 hole in the third inning. "I should do a better job for the first three innings," Chen said through his interpreter. "I tried to get my rhythm and timing on my delivery and it was hard for me." Brian Roberts talked about three straight tough losses to New York. "I don't know if this one was any worse than the other two (losses)," he said. "We felt we could have, maybe should have, won at least three. We have to come out tomorrow ready to play. "We have to pitch better, we have to play better defense, we have to get bigger hits. All those things. We've got some picking up to do. I'm sure guys feel a little down right now and we have to come out with some good energy tomorrow. At this point, this is where everybody steps up their game or we go home. That is kind of the bottom line."

State of the Orioles in Canada
Showalter speaks after 6-5 loss

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