Merry Christmas and happy holidays, Birdland

Here's wishing every Orioles fan everywhere a very Merry Christmas, a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year. Just a short entry here today to pass along those wishes and I hope this is your best Christmas ever. For those of us that are so passionate about baseball, today is a rare day, rare in that baseball takes a back seat to Christmas and our family and friends. It's OK if baseball finishes second today. But I thank each one of you for reading and commenting on my blog as often as you do. We've built quite a baseball community here at and it's fun to be a part of it 365 days a year. I hope you post even more questions and comments than ever in 2014 to keep our great baseball discussions going. I wish the warm feelings we have this time of year could last all year, but real life always intrudes and somehow changes that. Have a great few days everyone!

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