The morning view from Sarasota

It's hot. That doesn't really qualify as a view, but it's worth repeating: It's hot. How hot is it? It's so hot, Koji Uehara started to sweat after being told the temperature. The stadium and clubhouse look the same as before. The only change I've noticed is the media trailer is gone. But renovations could start soon. Sarasota County has selected contractors for Twin Lakes Park and Ed Smith Stadium. The County Commission must give its approval next week and release the money, and the renovating can get underway. I'm still waiting for Felix Pie to arrive. He's on a different schedule than the other guys in extended spring training. They've already eaten breakfast and moved to the back fields to work out before today's game. Pie has been doing some light exercises, but that's it. No baseball activities. Jim Johnson walked in and immediately asked me about Brian Roberts, who was hospitalized yesterday with pneumonia. Roberts was supposed to fly down here yesterday, but that plan has been put on hold. The Orioles have so many pitchers here, they can play two games on two fields and also schedule a simulated one to provide a sufficient number of innings. Josh Perrault, who registered 16 saves and posted a 1.80 ERA at Double-A Bowie last year before receiving an invite to major league camp, has recovered from an elbow injury and is ready to join one of the affiliates, but the Orioles don't currently have a spot for him. Perrault, who also saved two games and posted a 2.53 ERA at Norfolk last season, has been pitching here for about two weeks. Jake Renshaw, limited to five appearances at Single-A Frederick last year, also is healthy and pitching again, but he's in the same predicament as Perrault. He'll just have to wait. I met up with Mike Flacco and Mychal Givens earlier this morning and will pass along their comments later today. Flacco said he hasn't talked much to brother Joe, but he knows the Ravens' quarterback is excited about the upcoming season. I'd like to get more excited about this one. A win in Texas tonight might help a little.

Pie making progress
The heat was on

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