Video: Duquette on the outfield market and more

SAN DIEGO - Orioles executive vice president Dan Duquette said the club made some progress in its effort to add one or more outfielders today at the Winter Meetings. After his group press conference with Baltimore-area media, Duquette took part in a one-on-one interview with That video will be posted here later. "We've been able to meet with several of the agents for the free agent outfielders and we're going to meet with a few more this week," Duquette said. "I'm hopeful that we'll be able to add to the depth of our outfield while we're here. We've already had a few conversations that are very encouraging." duquette-smiles-sidebar.jpgDuquette will seldom address any specifics about the team's budget, but he should have some dollars to play with. Some money that could have gone to re-sign Nick Markakis are still available after the longtime Oriole signed with Atlanta. "We have plenty of resources to sign some players to help our outfield. But keep in mind we also have some players on our current roster than can help us in those jobs," Duquette said. "We have Jonsey (Adam Jones) coming back. We have (Alejandro) De Aza, who can do a nice job in left field. We have David Lough and Steve Peace. Even Chris Davis has played in the outfield. And Dariel Alvarez is knocking on the door. The kid from Cuba hit over .300 at Double-A and Triple-A. "So we have a solid base of outfielders already in the organization. I'm hopeful that we can add a left-handed hitter and a right-handed hitter to staff our club for 2015. There are some good candidates in the free agent market and there is also some trade possibilities." Duquette didn't say much today about the Toronto Blue Jays' potential interest in him to be their CEO/president after reports surfaced yesterday. Asked whether those reports will serve as a distraction as the Orioles try to do business here, Duquette replied, "Well, we've been working hard to staff the Oriole team for 2015 and that is where I'm putting all my time and energy. Again, we have a lot of the pieces here to be competitive again in '15 like we have been the last couple of years."

Duquette: "I'm here with the Orioles and my focus ...
Quick hits from Duquette

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