Wieters aiming for offensive resurgence in 2011

Matt Wieters hopes to put up better numbers on offense this year, and when he analyzed his game after the 2010 season he came to the conclusion that he chased too many pitches last season. "It's consistency, getting pitches to hit and not chasing them out of the zone. In the minors, I prided myself on discipline at the plate and last year I got away from that a little bit, tried to do too much. You have to give yourself the best chance," he said. "I went out of the zone I am comfortable in at times last year. These pitchers are tough enough to hit when they are throwing strikes, you can't try to hit the balls." One theory the Orioles' catcher will not accept is that his offense is hurt somewhat by the demanding position he plays. He said he won't buy into that theory that his work on defense impacts what he does at bat. "I don't. I've been catching all my life and been able to hit all my life. It is taxing on your body, but that is where the mental side takes over. If you are mentally prepared, you can push through it," he said.

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