There was a clear-cut winner for May's round of 'Where in the Yard?' here in the Orioles Buzz, even if I'm a little belated in announcing it.
Avi M took the crown last month, truly earning his victory after hitting each answer on the head and racking up a flurry of bonus points, many of which came from posting fan photos to the Facebook Page.
Check out his photos (which gave him the winning edge) here:

So nice work to Avi for his hard work throughout the month of May. It earned you an MLB gift card courtesy of MASN for proving that you know Camden Yards like the back of your hand. Keep your guesses and suggestions coming throughout June, as you remember to check back every Monday morning for a new 'Where in the Yard?' photo challenge here in the O's Buzz.

So nice work to Avi for his hard work throughout the month of May. It earned you an MLB gift card courtesy of MASN for proving that you know Camden Yards like the back of your hand. Keep your guesses and suggestions coming throughout June, as you remember to check back every Monday morning for a new 'Where in the Yard?' photo challenge here in the O's Buzz.
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