Adam Jones, MLBPA reps spend time with the kids at James Mosher Little League

In a joint effort of Orioles outfielder Adam Jones and the Major League Baseball Players Association, several former players joined Jones this morning in West Baltimore at the James Mosher Fields, the home of one of the country's longest continuously operating African-American Little League.

After the recent rioting in Baltimore, it was about spending time with the kids and letting them see that some baseball stars care about them.

Jones-MPBPA-event.jpg"It was for the community of Baltimore," Jones said this afternoon in the Orioles clubhouse. "I am glad the union stepped up and wanted to do something with me. We didn't make it about myself or the Orioles. We made it about the kids.

"It was about the city of Baltimore, the areas that were effected with the riots. We were trying to, not even trying anymore, but doing things for these communities.

"I am glad the union took part and Tony Clark, Eric Davis and Jeffrey Hammonds came down on behalf of the union. Two of those guys - Hammonds and Davis - played here. It is good to see the union cares about the city of Baltimore and they care about the inner city."

Jones was joined by his current Orioles teammate Delmon Young and former Oriole and Baseball Hall of Famer Frank Robinson, as well.

One observer at the event said Jones was a rock star to those kids and took time to talk to them and answer their questions.

"They asked a lot of fun questions," Jones said. "Their reaction was awesome. It was a good turnout. What it is about is the parents going back home and letting those kids know there are people that care about them. We have their back. Was good to see a lot of the parents out there. They are instilling the values into the kids that we cherish and you never know how far that can take you."

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