An all-around stinker (Nats lose 5-1)

NEW YORK - The Nationals have committed three errors and made a few other poor defensive plays. They put up just one run against Mets starter Dillon Gee, who has a 0.96 ERA in 18 2/3 innings against the Nats this season and a 5.55 ERA against everyone else. They've allowed eight Mets hits through six innings, and didn't get Craig Stammen's best stuff in relief, as Stammen has surrendered three hits and two runs over 1 2/3 innings, this after allowing an inherited run to score, as well. After last night's big 6-4 win, in which the Nats matched their largest comeback victory of the season, Davey Johnson's group has fallen flat today. The Nats trail 5-1 after six innings. This, again, epitomizes where the Nationals are at this season. They can play one great ballgame, feel like things might be starting to turn, and then completely fall apart the next. They can get a solid start from a rookie making his major league debut (Taylor Jordan pitched fairly well today), but kick the ball around behind him and fail to give him any offensive support. Barring another late comeback, they'll be back at .500 after today, right where they deserve to be given how inconsistent they've been all season. Update: The best part about today's game, from the Nationals' perspective, is that it's over. The Nats fell to the Mets 5-1 tonight, dropping them back to .500 on the season at 40-40. It sure wasn't pretty today. No, it wasn't that.

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