A few quick thoughts and this wish on Christmas Day 2024

On Christmas Day 2024, if I could give something to every person alive, it would be the abilities to be humble, nice and respectful to each other every day in every way.

As I traveled recently, a big smile on my face in going through another adventure, I noticed so many people just look unhappy. Many probably are unhappy.

So many seem to think of themselves first often and seldom those around them. Too bad. We never know what someone else is dealing with or what burdens they carry.

I once told Jim Palmer it warms my heart that Hall of Fame Orioles like him and Brooks Robinson were always so very nice to the fans.

“Steve, it doesn’t take much to be nice,” he told me.

“But Jim, you are asked to be nice about a hundred times a day. The rest of us, not nearly that much. You bat a thousand here and it’s wonderful,” I told him.

It’s also true. He’s that nice. All the time. I wish I could say I am that way, because I know there are times I fall short.

It’s deep in here today!

But all that gets me to this.

As it relates to the Orioles and this blog, don’t forget what we have here now in Baltimore. Don’t forget to have fun and sometimes it’s even OK to be optimistic, upbeat and/or positive. I say that knowing it will fall on deaf ears for some while others will just say 'There is Steve telling us not to criticize the Orioles.' I laugh at that since there is criticism here pretty much in every blog I have written for MASNSports.com for about 16 or so years now. Fans sometimes end a long criticism of the team by saying I don’t want them to do what they just did.

Nope. If negative is your thing, do it. If doom and gloom wins the day for you, go with that.

I just hope even that segment of the blog can sometimes realize what we truly have here. That is a club that once lost 115 games that now has the best American League record since 2023. An organization filled with young talent and more coming from a fertile farm. A club looking to make the playoffs for the third year in a row. 

If they do that in 2025, it will be just the second time in the history of the Baltimore Orioles they’ve made it three years in a row. The first time was from 1969 to 1971, easily the greatest three-year run in O’s history.

We get to watch this coming season and see if this team can match those teams. That is something good, right?

We watch this team play in one of the best ballparks in the majors and play in front of a knowledgeable and passionate fan base with an exciting new ownership group.

There are things to enjoy and appreciate. It is easy to take this for granted. Hope we never do.

On Christmas Day 2024, as some of my closest family is out of state for a few days, for me it’s still a wonderful time. Because I don’t need to be in the same room with them to know they are a massive presence in my life and mean so much to me. That they have my back every day. That makes me smile, whether I hug them in person today or another day.

Count your blessings today and be nice when you can. Enjoy baseball when you can as well when you have that chance.

Merry Christmas, Birdland!

Note from Steve: This blog will go dark for a few days, just a short break. No matter, you can still come back right here anytime to leave any O's comments and questions and I will provide an answer to any questions I get asked. Back soon with new material! 

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