Final notes from today, plus Day 5 photo gallery

VIERA, Fla. - It was a pretty quiet day at Nationals camp today, with position players taking their physicals and working out with team trainers, and all pitchers getting the day off from bullpen sessions. How quiet a day was it? Well, the most exciting thing to happen out on the back fields during today's workout was when Mark Lerner's two schnauzers tried to attack Livan Hernandez, who apparently didn't come with the right approach when he tried to pet them. Onlookers got a good kick out of that little scene, as did Hernandez. This morning, pitchers cycled through stations that involved fielding comebackers and working on pickoffs, while the catchers took part in their own drills, including one in which they strictly practiced giving signs. Yup, they work on it all here in spring training. If you've been searching for updates on how Ross Ohlendorf has looked in bullpen sessions this spring only to not be able to find any, there's a good reason why: Ohlendorf hasn't thrown a bullpen session yet. He's been held back to this point, although manager Matt Williams says that's not due to any type of injury. "He'll go tomorrow. Ross is a touch-and-feel guy," Williams said. "He's good to go for tomorrow, and we're kind of stacking these guys as we go. He's done certainly some flat ground throwing, participated in all the drills. Tomorrow will be his first bullpen." Rafael Soriano will also throw a bullpen tomorrow, which will be his second of spring. Without further ado, here is your Day 5 photo gallery:
Here are some of those comebackers I mentioned. Cool stuff, eh?
Here are some of those pickoffs I mentioned. Even cooler, eh?
Livan Hernandez and assistant GM Doug Harris. Golf carts are coveted items at spring training.
Players get their names on their bats. Coaches even get their names on their fungo bats. Here's Brian Daubach's.
The line of TV stations who sent someone to Florida to interview Dan Kolko. I'm pretty popular, what can I say?
Tyler Moore hits. Mike Rizzo watches. And how about that action shot I snagged?
Danny Espinosa swings right-handed. He also swings left-handed. Here he is swinging left-handed.
Hitting coach Rick Schu shows off some impressive flexibility.
Espinosa and Mike Fontenot talk politics. Or something else.

Going over some early lineup possibilities
Harper hoping to improve, Williams hoping to help

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