Miami New Times releases images linking Gio Gonzalez to Biogenesis (updated)

The Miami New Times has released images they obtained from the notebooks of Anthony Bosch, an alleged distributor of performance-enhancing drugs, images that appear to connect Gio Gonzalez and his father Max to Bosch and his anti-aging clinic, Biogenesis. The images show the five times that Gonzalez, a 21-game winner with the Nationals last season, appeared in Bosch's records, and the according to the New Times, all five references come from the notebook marked "2012". Gonzalez's name often appears alongside that of his father, but it's unclear exactly what substances either Gio Gonzalez or Max Gonzalez received. The Gonzalez-related images on the New Times' website can be found here. Gio Gonzalez is listed with his occupation "(pitcher)" in one of the images, and has two lists of game statistics below his name in another. In that second image, there appears to be a formula for what is listed as "pink cream" next to Gio Gonzalez's name. It's not immediately clear what "pink cream" is. The New Times also has quotes from Max Gonzalez that were not included in the original story published by the weekly newspaper. In those quotes, Max Gonzalez says that he was referred to Bosch by a friend and went to clinic hoping to lose weight. He again denies that his son had any involvement with Bosch. "I had high cholesterol and high blood sugar," Max Gonzalez said. "(Bosch) was giving me medication to help me lose weight." "My son is clean as a whistle," he added. "My kid doesn't even (freaking) rest ... he doesn't cheat, he doesn't agree with any of that stuff." The New Times report published online yesterday links Gonzalez to three products - zinc, MIC and Aminorip - none of which are on Major League Baseball's list of banned substances. Gio Gonzalez issued a statement yesterday claiming he has never taken performance-enhancing drugs and that he has "never met or spoken with Tony Bosch." Update: Yahoo! Sports reports that according to Bosch's records, "pink cream" is a testosterone-laden balm. Melky Cabrera and Bartolo Colon, two other players linked to Bosch in the New Times report, have previously been suspended 50 games by the league for the use of testosterone. In the image which has two lists of game statistics, the list to the right contains Gonzalez's individual numbers through his first three starts of the 2012 season. Gonzalez went 1-0 with a 2.04 ERA in those three starts, allowing 11 hits, four runs and posting 21 strikeouts in 17 1/3 innings. These are the same numbers listed in Bosch's notebook. Gonzalez's third start of the season came on April 17, so it might be reasonable to assume that Bosch was making these notes around that time.

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