Adam Jones: "I'll be back out there tomorrow, I hope"

PHILADELPHIA - Adam Jones rode to the ballpark this afternoon with manager Buck Showalter, but he didn't try to talk his way into the lineup. He didn't see the point.

"Didn't lobby," he said. "Can't lobby him. I've tried."

The Orioles will play their second consecutive game tonight without Jones in the lineup. David Lough is in center field while Jones receives treatment on a sore right shoulder - just one of his many ailments.

"You can point to a bunch of different things, but right now, my shoulder's bothering me," he said. "I dove the other night, didn't feel too good. It's feeling a lot better today, so hopefully I'm in there tomorrow."

Jones-Awkward-Slide.jpgAsked whether he's available tonight off the bench, Jones replied, "I told him I am. He knows me. I try to be tough, but try to be human somedays against my own will. I'll be back out there tomorrow, I hope."

Could he play tonight if the Orioles had a designated hitter?

"I believe I could DH, but even then, it was an American League game yesterday," he said. "I mean, we've got guys swinging the bat good. There's no reason for me to go out there and try to be Superman. Let my body heal.

"I played through a lot of stuff this year already. It's frustrating so far because you're banged up a little bit, but it's part of the game, man. There are no reasons why it's happening and no reasons why it's not. Just got to roll with the punches and make sure that I'm healthy and not trying to hurt my body."

Jones had a good seat for last night's fireworks. A season-high 19 runs and a team-record eight home runs, including two from newest Oriole Chris Parmelee.

"It was awesome," he said. "The best thing was pieing him three times. It was good. It's always good to see people thrive. I love seeing when Lough gets his opportunities. Went out there and got a couple knocks. Those are the things I like to see. Hey, I'm not needed every night.

"Last night, it was good to see the guys get after it. They know that I'm there and I'm going to be out there on the field with them. Must be something bothering me if I'm not playing."

Jones also has a sore toe and ankle. He conceded that he might be more banged up this season than in the past.

"A lot more responsibility, I think, but being banged up, I might be," he said. "Last year in my 20s has been tough. You've just got to roll with the punches, take the grind as it comes. I'm not on the DL. I missed time being on the DL in the beginning of my career, so I'm in that stage, so I'm not as banged up as I think."

Jones rolled his ankle on an awkward slide at home plate during Game 2 of a May 28 doubleheader against the White Sox. He wasn't in the lineup two days later and the ankle still hasn't healed.

"You ain't going to lose the feeling in your ankle," he said. "I still feel the ankle in '09 when I sprained it. You don't lose that kind of thing. When I'm done playing this game, hopefully 10 years from now, whatever injuries I'm leaving the game with, I'm going to keep them. I'm not going to get any more treatments. I'm not going to see one doctor. I'm done.

"It's just the grind. I wouldn't take any of it for granted. It's part of it. I'm going to have some good stories to tell my grandkids and my kids when I'm limping."

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