Boras on Davis, Wieters and Chen

SAN DIEGO - Agent Scott Boras drew the usual crowd of reporters and cameramen for his annual Winter Meetings Q&A with reporters in the lobby area of the Manchester Grand Hyatt. Asked about possible extensions for Orioles clients and pending free agents Chris Davis and Matt Wieters, Boras said the following: Boras_scrum.jpg"I think there's a chance with all players. Dan (Duquette) and I talk a great deal. We obviously have to do their arbitration, annual contracts here soon. I think both players enjoy playing in Baltimore. They've been very successful there and we'll see what the future has to offer." Boras hasn't talked to Duquette about a possible extension for another Orioles client and pending free agent, left-hander Wei-Yin Chen, a 16-game winner in 2014. "I think that certainly all of these situations are fluid," Boras said. "Other than them exercising Wei-Yin's option, I've not heard from them about what their position is on the future, but obviously, he's one of their top winning pitchers and very valuable and a very young guy and he's going to have a great free agent value come next year at this time." I'm heading to Duquette's suite. His media session was pushed back 30 minutes. Intrigue? Stay tuned.

Quick hits from Duquette's media session
Quick note on Cespedes rumor

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