Duquette on Greinke/Hamilton speculation

Orioles executive vice president Dan Duquette just made an appearance on MLB Radio Network and basically shot down the idea that the Orioles could sign pitcher Zack Greinke or outfielder Josh Hamilton, though the tweets that ensued might leave you a bit confused. Former executive Jim Bowden (@JimBowdenESPNxm), a co-host on the Sirius/XM show, tweeted the following: Dan Duquette told us on SiriusXM when I asked him If I could count the O's "out" on Greinke & Hamilton..he said I would never say never This is true, but here's more from Bowden: Dan Duquette made it clear to us on our SiriusXM show to "not expect high ticket items" this off-season..."no Blue Jay $160m transactions" Holy contradiction, Batman! And there's this tweet from @mlbradionetwork: VP Dan Duquette just told us that prices are up in the free agent market and "those economics don't work for us in Baltimore" Sounds to me like it's "never" going to happen with Greinke and Hamilton, which the locals have been reporting since the free-agent market opened for business. Here's the full quote from Duquette when pressed on whether Bowden could count out those free agents: "I would never say 'never.' Certainly, a No. 1 pitcher would help our ballclub, and certainly a middle of the lineup hitter would. I wouldn't count us out, but the best way for us to build the team is not through the free agent market, because that's not where the real value is for the Orioles." OK, don't count out the Orioles, but don't get your hopes up if you want to see Greinke or Hamilton run down the orange carpet at the home opener. Duquette singled out Jonny Gomes, who made $1 million this season and just signed a two-year, $10 million deal with the Red Sox, as an example of a free agent who priced himself out of Baltimore. "He's basically a platoon DH," said Duquette, who had mild interest in Gomes. "Those kind of values, I don't understand." The Orioles must decide by Friday whether to offer first baseman Mark Reynolds arbitration after they declined his $11 million option for 2013. "If we bring back Mark Reynolds, that will help our ballclub," Duquette said. "If we don't bring back Mark Reynolds, I know we have some people in-house that are very capable of doing that job."

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