Duquette on today's meeting with Boras (and other notes)

NASHVILLE - Orioles executive vice president Dan Duquette met today with agent Scott Boras and said the discussion centered mostly on first baseman Chris Davis. However, he reminded the media that the Orioles are searching for left-handed bats, suggesting that they also talked about Pedro Alvarez and perhaps Denard Span.

It doesn't appear that the Orioles made much progress regarding Davis. Duquette said the club has maintained an ongoing dialogue, but nothing is new today.

featured_sidebar_duquette.jpgDoes Duquette have a clear idea about the market for Davis?

"We have a clear idea what the market is for Chris in Baltimore," he replied.

A few other notes from today's media session:

* Duquette met with two teams to discuss trades and said the Orioles are getting closer to making a decision on adding left-handed hitters.

* Duquette said he'd be happy adding one starter and then improving the pitching depth with another move - perhaps a minor league deal like the one signed by Miguel Gonzalez or a pitcher in need of a bounceback year.

* The Orioles have made their interest known in left-hander Wei-Yin Chen, who's also represented by Boras, but Duquette said he's not sure the market will allow it.

* Duquette offered a "maybe" when I asked whether the Orioles could come back to Steve Pearce if he's still available later in the winter. So far, they haven't reached out to him.

* Duquette said the Orioles have other priorities ahead of adding another left-handed reliever.

I'll post quotes later tonight.

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