For what it's worth ...

DALLAS - This will be my final blog entry from the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, where the sun has finally come out as I prepare to climb into a cab for my ride to the airport. I was told that it's snowing back home, but my daughter shot down that rumor via a text message. I should have brought her here. She could have saved me a lot of work. I made one last stroll through the hotel lobby and ran into agent Scott Boras. Not literally. But I did stop him, shake hands and immediately bring up Prince Fielder's name. Boras confirmed that he met yesterday with Orioles executive vice president Dan Duquette. Boras said a few clients were discussed. Not just Fielder. Boras seemed content to let the market play out at these Winter Meetings. He's in no rush to get Fielder signed. Albert Pujols is off the board. All the attention now falls on Fielder. Boras didn't dispute my theory that the Orioles could be a fringe player for Fielder, depending on whether the market softens. I didn't expect him to dismiss the Orioles and reduce the market for the slugger. And I knew he wouldn't get into any specifics regarding his meeting with Duquette. Obviously, Boras considers Camden Yards to be a perfect fit for Fielder, just as it was for Rafael Palmeiro. Anyway, for what it's worth, Duquette met with Boras yesterday. And I'm sure they weren't debating the merits of signing Dana Eveland. It's time for me to pack up. I'll try to check the comments after reaching my gate. And yes, I've been assigned a middle seat again. The perfect ending to my five days in Dallas.

A small stack of trade chips
Orioles add Loomis and Sweeney in minor league pha...

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