Hearing from Showalter, Hardy and Matusz (game postponed)

The Orioles are the only undefeated team left in the majors. The '72 Dolphins have champagne on ice in case the streak ends.

The Rays hit in the indoor cage this afternoon while the Orioles took batting practice outside. Ryan Flaherty was in short sleeves.

The sky is darkening again, but the Orioles feel good about their chances of playing.

"We take a lot of things into consideration to make sure it's OK for the fans," said manager Buck Showalter. "You look at a lot of different factors. I get asked about it from a competitive standpoint and I'm sure there are other factors that are involved. A lot of things go into it.

"From the players' standpoint, I told them yesterday, 'You need to be ready to play obviously tonight, but tomorrow, too, because things change. Don't mentally shut down just because you're watching some weather report.' It isn't always going to be perfect weather, but it is the same for both of us. I think the wind is going to be challenging if that holds true. We'll see what between 6 and 7 (p.m.) brings. I know they're going to kind of look at it again here shortly."

Shortstop J.J. Hardy passed along good news regarding his left calf.

"Much better, much better," he said. "I'm walking around with no pain. I think I probably could get it going tonight and play, but I think with the cold, everyone's kind of scratching that idea and I'll be good to go tomorrow."

The calf stiffened during Thursday's game and Hardy has been out of the lineup the past two nights.

"That 20-minute rain delay when I was on first is when I felt it when I went back out there," he said. "I went back out there and ran a little bit before I went back to first and that's when I felt it."

Hardy has battled a number of injuries over the past few seasons, but said he never thought, "Here we go again" this week as the calf became an issue.

"It's annoying," he said. "I don't think it was ever at that point, so if it was a little bit worse or thought it was worse, I would have definitely been thinking that. But I don't think it was that bad and I think we got ahead of it, so miss two games. Maybe I'll get in there tonight. I don't know. But if two games is the most, then it's really not that bad.

"I think I've been pretty cautious with yesterday and today, and I hope that's all we need. But I plan on being in there tomorrow and we'll see where we're at."

The frigid temperatures and threat of freezing rain factored into the decision to sit Hardy and center fielder Adam Jones, who's been bothered by soreness in his rib area.

"It figured into it. Not a complete factor, but close," said manager Buck Showalter. "Probably available tonight if I need them. If they're not, I wouldn't tell you."

What about Sunday afternoon's series finale?

"I'll never say never on it," Showalter said. "That's a quick turnaround. What is it, 51 tomorrow? So far. I will feel better tomorrow than I do right now. If it's 70 degrees, I'll probably lean toward playing them. We'll see how we do tomorrow."

Matusz-throwing-white.jpgLeft-hander Brian Matusz apparently will stay on the disabled list and pitch again at Double-A Bowie before the Orioles activate him in Texas. Matusz has thrown two innings with the Baysox after logging only two in spring training due to a strained muscle in his lower back.

"We're thinking about him having one more outing down there. Maybe a two or three inning stint. We'll see what Dan (Duquette) thinks," Showalter said.

"We're trying to get him the same number of innings under his belt that he normally has. He's one outing away from that."

Matusz retired Akron in order last night in the seventh inning.

"It was good," he said. "I threw 10 pitches, so it was quick. Had two flyouts to center and then a strikeout, so it was good. Threw all four pitches. Fastball location felt good, threw a couple good changeups, dropped a curveball in for a strike and threw a tight slider for a strikeout. My pitches feel good, my command feels good. So all is good.

"I feel healthy, I feel strong. I feel good."

Vance Worley makes his Orioles debut on Sunday and the Orioles will put him on a shorter pitch count because of the long layoff between outings.

"Probably, but I'm going to start off with letting Tampa decide how long he pitches. But there is a point we won't go beyond, though knowing Vance, there's no such thing," Showalter said.

"We've got a number in mind, but we're not going to be held prisoner to it. There are some things I go into a game with and the way the game's going as far as the tempo, the rhythm, the stress of the innings, kind of throw some of that out. If you're just putting a number next to a guy and go, 'Exactly this is what he should do,' you're going to make a lot of mistakes, especially with a guy's health."

Former Oriole Steve Pearce is in the Rays lineup tonight at first base. Showalter said he has a "bunch of" fond recollections.

"He's such a sincere guy," Showalter said. "He's a great teammate, he's a winning player. Always could count on him. You knew what you were getting from him every day. Loved to compete and he loved being here in Baltimore."

The Orioles didn't make an effort to re-sign Pearce, a Lakeland, Fla., native who agreed to a $4.75 million deal with the Rays.

"A lot of improvements we made were from having people like Steve Pearce around," Showalter said. "Happy for him. I know he lives down in that area. Of course, that isn't always everything it's cracked up to be, being in your hometown with tickets and stuff. But Tampa's lucky to have him. 'You need me to play second? You need him to play third? You needed him to play center field? You need me to pitch, catch?' There was nothing beneath him. And he never forgot how hard it was for him to get there and how fleeting it all can be.

"He never takes a moment in the big leagues for granted."

Update: Tonight's game has been postponed by inclement weather. A makeup date will be announced at a later date.

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