Let's hear from Bergesen and Markakis

Brad Bergesen didn't try to put a positive spin on tonight's outing, which ended after 3 1/3 innings and left eight earned runs on his ledger. "For me, it was everything tonight. Just all around, just bad," he said. "Putting us in a 5-0 hole just made it real tough for us tonight. Just nothing good for me tonight whatsoever. "After that 15-inning game, my whole thought process going into tonight was that we really needed me to go deep and I let us down. I wasn't able to do it and it killed me." Just when it looked like Bergesen might have turned a corner in St. Petersburg with his complete-game shutout, he ran into a brick wall. "I don't think it's back to square one," he said. "I think it was a bad outing tonight. It's one of those that you've just got to forget. It's easier said than done, but just try to focus on the good games and not hit the panic button and just go back to work." Nick Markakis is convinced that CC Sabathia intentionally planted a fastball in his lower back, but he understood the motive and didn't consider taking action. "Yes, but that's part of the game. We hit a couple of their guys and it was bound to come, but you wear it and you move on," he said. "I wasn't expecting anything, but it happened, it happened. It's over, so turn the page. "That's baseball, that's part of the game. Sometimes your pitchers protect your hitters and stuff like that happens. Nothing much you can do about it besides go down to first base and brush it off."

Looking back and ahead
Jakubauskas and Patton down, Adams and Reimold up

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