MacPhail addresses international spending with season-ticket holders

Orioles president Andy MacPhail and manager Buck Showalter just spent about 30 minutes taking fans questions here at Camden Yards as part of the latest "State of the Orioles" address with season ticket holders. MacPhail was asked by a fan why the club seems to be outbid by some other clubs in the international market. "We did spend more last year then we did the year before and we'll probably spend more this year than last year. We are actually making progress in that market based on what Buck and I see in terms of velocities coming out of our Dominican Summer League and our Gulf Coast League. We are actually having success developing some arms there," MacPhail said. "I am not a big believer in spending a huge amount in a signing bonus on a player that you only worked out in not a game-type environment. For us to commit millions of dollars, which some teams are willing to do and frankly, I'm not, on just workouts and tryouts in a complex type of environment, I'm not there. The guy has to play. "Come out here at 5:30 and a lot of guys are hitting home runs they aren't during the game. If I'm going to put my money down on this player and bet on his future, I want to see him in a competitive environment. It's not just who can run the fastest time and hit the ball the farthest in batting practice. "A lot of the signing bonuses that you are reading about for no doubt talented players that are signing with these other clubs for millions out of the Dominican, they are doing that without the benefit of playing games. That is a not a risk I am willing to take." he said. Check back here later for most quotes from today's address with the fans.

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