Manto: "I would love to have this job" (updated)

Former Oriole Jeff Manto drove to Baltimore today and spent about two hours interviewing for the vacant job of hitting coach. Manager Buck Showalter, executive vice president Dan Duquette and vice president of baseball operations Brady Anderson were in the room. Manto, the minor league hitting coordinator since November 2013, found out this morning that Jim Presley had been reassigned. The Orioles gave him the choice of interviewing later in the day or Tuesday, and he wasn't taking any chances of being stuck in traffic in Philadelphia. "I thought it went well," Manto said. "I thought we exchanged some information that we're both familiar with, being in the system. Knowing how Buck operates and how Brady operates and how the system operates, I thought it went well. I really did." Manto was told that the Orioles have a few more candidates in mind and hope to announce their hire by the Winter Meetings that begin Dec. 8 in San Diego. He's believed to be the only internal candidate, though he wasn't given any names. "I would love to have this job," Manto said. "It's not only being a former Oriole, which would be pretty cool in itself, but being back at the major league level and trying to work with an offense like this. As exciting as this offense is, that would be quite the experience. "Being in a few organizations, Baltimore is definitely one of the better ones." Manto, formerly the hitting coach with the Pirates and White Sox, wouldn't try to fit every batter into one philosophy. "If I was lucky enough to be the hitting coach, it would be 13 different approaches," he said. "Each guy different and you have to go about it in a different way. I know people today, their big thing is OPS and working the count. There's a fine line and you have to find that fine line with every guy. Some it works for and some it would not work for and it becomes counterproductive." I used Adam Jones as an example of a player that many fans plead with to become more patient at the plate, take more pitches, stop chasing. "You've got to let Adam Jones be Adam Jones," Manto said. "He's had a lot of success doing what he's doing. To try to change his mentality I don't think would be beneficial for him or the organization. I think he's one of the most feared hitters in the game and to take that away would not help him at all." Update: The Orioles interviewed a second candidate today from outside the organization. I'm told it's not a big name. No other interviews are scheduled for the next few days. Showalter is flying back to Dallas on Tuesday. Charlie Manuel came close to accepting the job, I'm told, before declining the offer. Manuel apparently turned down the Yankees, as well. Jim Thome declined a chance to interview with the Orioles. Raul Ibanez informed the club that he'd sit out a year if he doesn't get the Rays managing job. Harold Baines wanted to stay in Chicago. Terry Crowley and Einar Diaz aren't internal candidates. Presley has been offered a job as a scout, but he may check what's available in other organizations before making a decision.

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