O's Ratings See Improvement

Despite a challenging start to the 2010 season, the Baltimore Orioles continue to earn strong television ratings on MASN. Year-to-year, the Orioles are up 12 percent over last year, drawing an average 3.8 household rating (about 41,420) this season. The Orioles' improved ratings illustrate the depth of commitment Orioles fans have for their team. Simulcast games on WJZ bump the audience up to 58,860 homes (a 5.4 rating). Increased interest in MASN (locally and nationally) in recent weeks also contributes to increased Orioles viewership as many fans switch between MASN channels regularly. Increased viewership means that ad sales continue to grow as marketers see the value of associating with MASN and with Orioles baseball.

Taking notes
Aberdeen's roster features plenty of 2010 draft pi...

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