Providing a little color

And I don't mean the redness on my wind-burned face. Koji Uehara threw live batting practice earlier today. All fastballs. He did some running afterward with his trainer. John Shelby is leading the bunting drills inside one of the netted batting cages. At one point, Shelby instructed Robert Andino to keep his balance and yelled encouragement. Andino figures to be one of the players who will be called upon to advance a runner. Three of the fields were set up for live BP. Manager Dave Trembley watched Cla Meredith throw, then walked to the other side for Mike Hinckley's session. Trembley checked on Josh Bell, who smiled and said he was doing well. He's bigger than I thought (Bell, not Trembley). Luke Scott slapped a ball into left field against an imaginary shift on his last swing against Hinckley. He was moving out of the batter's box as he made contact, sort of Ichiro style. Scott saw me nodding in approval and said he planned to do it during the season. Not sure if he was serious. Hinckley accidentally brushed back Felix Pie, who playfully glared at the reliever. One player yelled "Go get him," but Pie didn't budge. The screen would have gotten in the way. Lou Montanez enjoyed last night's blog entry and the response from fans. He still reads the School of Roch. The biggest battle in camp today involves my willpower. Schmuck keeps moving a box of Entenmann's chocolate donuts next to my laptop whenever I leave the media trailer. No means no. And it's nice to be on the other side of that lecture for once. But seriously...Schmuck knows that I'll eventually crawl inside the Entenmann's box - if only to stay warm. Trembley should be meeting with the press in less than an hour.

Slow morning
Bergy's schedule and the backup second baseman

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