Report: Blue Jays interested in Duquette for team president (updated)

The Blue Jays are in the market for a new CEO/team president, and ESPN's Buster Olney is reporting that Orioles executive vice president Dan Duquette is a candidate. duquette-showalter-talking-sidebar.jpgDuquette has been with the Orioles since November 2011, helping to guide the club to three straight winning seasons, its first seasons above .500 since 1996-97. Duquette is under contract through 2018, but the Blue Jays' opening would mark a promotion, and thus the Orioles would have a hard time preventing him from going if he desired. Chicago White Sox executive vice president Ken Williams is also a candidate to replace Blue Jays CEO Paul Beeston, according to both Olney and's Ken Rosenthal. Update: Rosenthal is reporting that Duquette wants to leave for the Blue Jays' top job and that the Orioles could require compensation if he does so.

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