Here's a good question: Will the Orioles' 4-0 start and some of the buzz right now surrounding the club translate into more tickets sold at Camden Yards?
For the next two nights, the answer to that question is probably "No." A club official said the Orioles are expecting an attendance the next two nights of "between (the) low to mid-teens."
That means between probably 13,000 and 17,000 or 18,000. I'm told a real strong walk-up sale later today could push the attendance to near 20,000, but that is probably unlikely.
Often the second and third games of the season see a big drop in attendance. The weather is still iffy and kids are still in school. It's a weekday, not a weekend.
I was expecting a little larger attendance than what is projected, but it's kind of understandable.
Clearly, there is more buzz around this team, more people are watching on TV and more people are talking about the team around town.
But it may take a while, certainly more than just four games and four wins, for that to be felt at the turnstiles.
The Orioles drew 1.73 million fans last year, their lowest total since 1988. They have not drawn more than three million since 2001 and not more than two million since 2007.
Sometimes, it may take a whole year or more for a team that ends its losing ways to see an attendance spike.
So, for now, there is more buzz and interest in the Orioles. But that may not mean there are more fans actually coming out to attend the games.
What is your take? If the Orioles continue to win and create excitement around town, will it translate into more fans coming through the gates? What about your own situation? Will you attend more games this year? Do you think other fans will want to show up more at Camden Yards?

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