Williams hopes Zimmerman can return in late September; Ramos family welcomes baby girl

Yesterday third baseman/outfielder Ryan Zimmerman started his rehab as he looks to return from a hamstring injury suffered on July 22. "He did some walking on the water treadmill as part of his first course of strengthening exercises," Williams said. "So he's done that. We have a new machine, we have the AlterG (anti-gravity), it's a treadmill, but it takes weight off of your body. His next step will be that. "He's been in the water and he's moving and he's doing things. But it's a long progression. That's the first step, anyway." Does Williams believe Zimmerman will return to play during the regular season? "Yeah, I believe so," Williams said. "I would love to have that happen. I would hope so. "It's encouraging. He came out of it feeling fine. It's not high stress by any means. He's working on getting back." The Nationals got some great news earlier today as Wilson Ramos' wife delivered a healthy baby girl this morning. Williams said they are at the hospital and everyone is recovering. "Anxious. This is their first child," Williams said. "He's excited, nervous. Everybody seems to be fine. Every thing seems to be fine. I'm sure he is very proud today." The Nats have no idea when Ramos will return from paternity leave. Jose Lobaton will start tonight and Sandy Leon is listed as the backup catcher.

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Cruz stays in Orioles' lineup, Davis lowered to se...

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