Hearing from Johnson, Clevenger, Trumbo and Duquette

Baltimore native Steve Johnson was braced for the possibility that he would be designated for assignment this offseason, so he took the news in stride today after the Orioles removed him from the 40-man roster.

"I don't want to say I was too surprised," said Johnson, the St. Paul's graduate who was designated to create a spot for left-hander C.J. Riefenhauser. "I kind of understood after not having the best September that it was a possibility. There were a couple of times they could have taken me off earlier and didn't, so I thought maybe not.

"I guess it's a little surprising, but I also was kind of expecting it based on my September. I didn't perform well enough, so I knew it was a possibility going in."

Johnson, 28, allowed six earned runs in 5 1/3 innings over six games with the Orioles after they selected his contract. But he proved that he was healthy following surgery on his right shoulder on Sept. 24, 2014 and he went 4-1 with a 2.30 ERA in 32 games with Triple-A Norfolk. Johnson averaged 11 strikeouts per nine innings.

Due to his service time, Johnson can refuse an outright assignment and become a free agent.

"I'm just going to basically see what's out there and see what's the best opportunity and kind of go from there," he said. "I'll see what fits. Obviously, I would love to be in Baltimore, but I didn't perform well enough and I've got to do what's best for me. And we'll see what happens."

clevenger-walk-off-celebration-wide-sidebar.jpgThe Orioles sent catcher Steve Clevenger to the Mariners for Riefenhauser and Mark Trumbo, subtracting another Baltimore native. The Pride of Pigtown is gone.

"Last night was kind of a shock, but with Matt (Wieters) signing back, I kind of expected that the Orioles would try to make a move and try to trade for somebody else to help their ballclub in another area," Clevenger said.

"Like I said from the beginning, it's been a dream come true to get to play for the hometown team that I grew up watching. It's definitely sad for me and my family to be leaving, but it opens up another exciting chapter to go to Seattle and continue to play and hopefully establish myself in the major leagues."

Clevenger tracked the rumors and waited for the news to become official.

"Some people kind of gave me a heads up going into last night, and throughout this morning my agent (Josh Kusnick) was telling me what was going on a little bit between the teams and that's how I figured out what was going on, just by the Internet and stuff," Clevenger said.

"It's kind of weird. You take a couple days and let it set in. I'm excited, but also sad to be leaving Baltimore. Like I said, I'm excited to join the Mariners in Seattle and try to establish myself as a major league player."

Here's more from new first baseman/outfielder Trumbo:

On whether it gets easier after being traded for a third time: "I would like to say it gets easier, but time will really tell. But I do have experience doing this. I think each time it happens, you get to have a few learning experiences and gather a little more information on how you can adjust a little quicker. Fortunately for me, I'll have all spring training to get to know these guys. I'll have more than enough time to get acclimated, get in a rhythm with everyone, and once the season starts get ready to roll."

On finally playing on the East Coast: "I'll have to speculate. I've played quite a few games on the East Coast, especially in the American League East, and I think I've competed fairly well. I think the numbers probably check out all right. At the end of the day, it's still the same game that I've played. I've competed in other countries, played winter ball, played in Australia, a whole bunch of other locations. I think this will feel right at home in no time."

Mark-Trumbo-Mariners-white-sidebar.jpgOn whether he knows any of his new teammates: "As far as players go, Darren O'Day would be the only guy, but I know his situation. He and I were teammates when we were both Angels. Beyond that, I don't think I've been teammates with too many of the guys, but I've always gotten a huge kick out of talking to Wayne (Kirby) at first base and joking around. That's always been a highlight. It seems like Buck (Showalter) always gets the most out of the guys, and the Orioles have always been a team that when you're going up against them, you know they're going to bring it and you're in for a dogfight. Tremendous ability to put up runs and close out games when they get the lead. And they come from behind, too. The Orioles have always been one of those teams that stands out to me and a team that as an opponent you really have to bring it because they're going to."

On which position is most comfortable and feelings on being the DH: "I don't mind DHing at all. I've done it maybe a little more than people might think. I have no problem with it whatsoever. In terms of position, first base, I've spent the most time there and I'm probably most comfortable there. Both corner outfield spots I have some familiarity with. Sometimes slightly more comfortable in right than left, depending on the field. I have very limited experience at third base, too."

Here's more from executive vice president Dan Duquette:

On Riefenhauser: "He's a good left-handed relief prospect. He's put up some really good numbers in Triple-A the last two years. He had a little bit of an injury this year. He's got an opportunity to help the club in 2016. He's got a good mix of three pitches and he could be a helpful pitcher for us this year."

On Trumbo: "I think he's going to be helped by our right-center field in particular. A couple balls that he hit this year in the ballparks he was playing in didn't go out in right-center field, but they would have gone out in our ballpark. And I just think his presence and his proven RBI and power capabilities are going to add a lot to our ballclub. And we're going to continue to shape our lineup and the rest of our ballclub through the offseason, but we certainly like the addition of Mark today to help our team and we also like the young left-handed pitcher that we got."

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